Well, Fair Week is over and we are all rested and on to other things this summer. But we love the fair! OK, true confessions time...I love the fair. I simply love the fair. Since I was a little girl, I have loved the fair. Now that I'm a big girl I still love the fair. It's not the rides or the games or anything like that. It's the animals, crafts, food atmosphere, people watching, summer nights, lights and colors, night time shows, etc. Anybody with me on that? Any other fair lovers out there?
I submitted several crafty and food items this year-18 to be exact-(I know, a bit of over achieving this year. I was scolding myself as I was up at midnight the night before baking a pie)... but anyway, I won a ribbon for most of my exhibits, sometimes by default because I was the only person to enter in that category! Not sure I would enter as many items next year. It was crazy trying to finish up all three kids' projects, plus mine.
We took our new camper this year so that we would have a home base to come back to if we needed a break. I took my stitching, thinking I'd get a chance to sit under the canopy and grab a few stitches here and there, but alas, that never happened.
This is our Buff Cochin Hen. She took a third place ribbon.
Plus a photo of the Figure 8 races. Stay tuned for a few more fair pics and photos of my winning crafts.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Last Step, Using Your Binder
OK, so you have made dividers for your food groups and you have a binder full of torn out recipes. Or maybe more than one binder. I won't tell how many I have. Now you can start using these to your heart's content. Leaf through the pages, put a few recipes aside each week to try out and give 'em a whirl. If you like them, write some notes on the recipe if you want, and file in the correct divider section. Ah, but what to do with recipes that have several food groups mixed up on the page? I put it in a special section marked "Mixed" or if I don't want to use the rest of the recipes on the page I either cut that one out and glue it to a blank sheet and file appropriately. Or I simply write my notations on it, knowing there are other recipes on the page that I might want to try and I file it under "Mixed".
So there you have it. It's a simple way to tame all those recipe tear outs. And honestly, it doesn't take that much time once you get on a roll. Happy filing.
So there you have it. It's a simple way to tame all those recipe tear outs. And honestly, it doesn't take that much time once you get on a roll. Happy filing.